Project Seizure-Freeedom

I have found that through the most difficult and painful times in my life is

when I have grown the most and God never left me.

He hasn't left you either.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Series begins today!

Today begins a new series of postings crafted to inform, inspire, and empower.

First, it's important to start with the facts (the informing part), so here they are:

  • In America there are three million people living with seizures and epilepsy. 
  • Every year another two hundred thousand more cases are diagnosed--the majority are children.  
  • Thirty to Forty percent of all who have epilepsy have intractable (unstoppable) seizures, meaning they are not able to be controlled with medication. It's also interesting to note that of children diagnosed with autism, Thirty to Forty percent also have intractable epilepsy, and that statistic is climbing.
The first day of February, 1998, our seven-month-old daughter became one of the nearly two hundred thousand diagnosed that year with epilepsy. We soon learned there wasn't a manual that came with this diagnosis.

Before long my journal was etched with prayers and painful sagas of medication trials that didn't stop the relentless seizures. It felt like a torrential storm that wouldn't dissipate until we learned of a diet that stops seizures. We did not, however, learn about it from the doctor. 

Next post (the inspiring part) will contain details about the diet, its amazing roots, and why it isn't prescribed by most doctors. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another twitter account violating my blog!

My twitter updates are linked to this blog, but somehow, another twitter account is violating my space! Inappropriate twitter updates have replaced mine. I don't know how this is happening, but apologize if you have have come across them.  

If you read twitter updates that contain vulgar or inappropriate content, please know it is not my twitter account making these updates! I've requested help from twitter and blogger and hope the problem is taken care of.

 In the meantime, please email me if you read any posts that contain anything other than a G rating to

Thank you for your understanding.